How To Increase Facebook Likes For Free

How To Increase Facebook Likes For Free

Increase Facebook Likes for Page and Profile

In today’s time, social media promotion acts as a big business mechanism whether it’s for a brand or for an individual. People all over the internet are going crazy to find the most efficient ways to gain more likes and followers for their social platforms. Today, we are going to talk about the most widely used Social network Facebook. In Facebook, getting more likes and shares can make your brand value stronger within few days.

Most effective ways to increase the followers:

Regular updating Fb page

If you are promoting a brand, individual products or a service, you need to have a Facebook page. But simply having a brand page will not be sufficient. You have to engage and update your Fb page with valuable info related to your niche. The posts need to be interesting and updating needs to be done multiple times in a week or every day. The FB page can be scheduled with posts so that you do not have to invest more time in updating.

Sharing different and new informative post

Probably one of the smartest tricks to engage customers and to bring in more link juice to the Fb page is by making more variation to your posts. Human minds are born to explore new and better concepts. So, when you have a better concept for something new to share which may not have been shared by people, it will automatically boost the post more than the regular lame posts done by most other pages.

Contests and giveaways

To make a strong bond with the fans, it is crucial to gift them some sort of contest either through subscribing or by taking part in a poll. Giveaways is also a strong concept where giving away some gifts periodically can draw huge customer boost. It could be in the form of a pdf, resale rights video, graphics or a discount coupon. In return you may ask for a small questionnaire related to your niche and users would love to comply that for the free gifts.

Tracking the right time for sharing contents

Just like the regular updating, timing also acts as a huge factor. Integrate your FB page with analytics and track the correct time with geo-location, to see the best time for sharing content. Like for India, people normally engage in FB more after 7 pm at night till 9 pm.

Inviting people to like page

One of the coolest ways to increase FB likes is by inviting fans and friends to like the page. This can be done by sending invites from within the page.

Creating minimum two FB pages

This is something not many people are aware of, but it has proved quite a success in the recent times. This process is as simple as its names tell, you just have to create two pages of the same niche and post the same content on both contents. This will engage more followers as two pages will have their followers coincidently bringing in more traffic to the page and more likes.

Adding a like button to the website

Most FB pages have websites in the about section, so it’s best to have a Fb icon which can easily make viewers of the website “like” the page without going through the hunt in FB search to see the updates.

Using images, gifs, and memes

We have heard from the longest time that images speak more than words. Posting and interesting graphics to express the service of the company is a smart way to draw in more likes to the page. Memes and Gif’s are the most popular medium to bring in more followers. They can be funny, satire, as well as informational but, convey the message in the smartest way. Tumblr may the no 1 but Facebook is fast catching it up in GIF sharing. There are 2 ways of applying memes and gifs, firstly with curated trending gif and meme posting where you would be tapping the ranking ones. Alternatively, you can create your custom GIF or memes to suit your requirement (it makes a more powerful branding).

Uploading Facebook Videos

Few people know this point but it works big time in the Facebook search engine. Instead of a YouTube video, if you download a video (or create a video) and then upload it to Facebook manually, then it attains more brownie points for your internal ranking.

Join Facebook groups and communities

Facebook groups play a crucial part for your niche. This is a great way of getting more likes as participating in various groups of the same ideology will make the business grow.  But not to spam in FB groups or else you will be removed from the group. You need to go through the rules of every group wherever you have joined. You can posts from your latest Facebook pages in the group if you are allowed to do so.
Following all these organic tricks in an efficient way can help you skip paid promotions for Facebook in a great way. However, free ‘fb likes’ takes the time to grow and if you have a fast target to achieve then Paid promotion is the best option.

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